Virtual Yoga Anatomy & Kinesiology Course
Seven workshops designed for dedicated students and teachers of Yoga
Taught by Tish Hegel, B.S. Kinesiology, ACSM CPT, E-RYT
Sept 7 - Nov 23 (next course Fall 2025)​
Meeting dates: 9/7, 9/21, 10/5, 10/19, 11/2, 11/16, 11/23​
Earn 31.5 CEUs

Workshops held live, every other Saturday from 1:00-4:30 PM PST. Each class will have 2.5 hours of lecture and 60 minutes of practice. Recordings available throughout the program through June 4th. Links for recordings, with key points from class, will be emailed after each
RYT's earn 4.5 CEUs per workshop towards the Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Requirements (total of 31.5 CEUs)
299.00 early bird discount through Feb 1st
I. Universal Principles to Analyzing Movement & Foundations to the Study and Application of Anatomy
Learn what to look for when observing your own body, or your student's bodies in the asanas and how to deconstruct postures from an anatomical and bio-mechanical perspective. This session is the foundation for the next six workshops, principles introduced here will be used throughout the series. Excellent content for teacher to improve verbal cues and in creating safe, well-balanced and intentional sequences. This one workshop can help you to teach and practice with more clarity and awareness of the body alignment during both static and dynamic practices.
Planes of Motion
Joints: Types and Range of Motion
How Muscles Work & Types of Contractions
Reciprocal Inhibition & Preventing Injury in Yoga Asana
Analyzing Posture: Tadanasa & Anatomical Position
Tips for studying anatomy
Saturday Feb 10, 2024
1-4:30 PM PST
*Those registered before Jan 20th will receive the study guide for Session I on Jan 20. If you register after the 20th a study guide will be emailed within 24 hours of registration.
II. Anatomy & Motions of the Spine
Improve safety and effectiveness in nearly every asana by increasing your understanding of how the spine moves and the muscles that support it. We will cover each of the three spinal segments in twists, forward bends, back bends and extension postures. Particular attention will be paid to twisting asanas in this workshop. (See workshops #3 & 6 for more in-depth coverage of back bends, and workshop #5 for in-depth coverage of forward bends.)
Axial Extension and Yoga asana (postures)
Normal ranges of motion of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine
Five movements of the spine
Stabilizer muscles of the spine
Upper Cross Syndrome
Lower Cross Syndrome
Thoraco-lumbar rhythm and the spine
Relationship between the spine and core strength
'Yogic Breathing' and the Spine
The spine in meditation
Saturday Feb 24, 2024
1-4:30 PM PST

III. Deep and Superficial Muscles of the Back
Learn how to create sequences that will open the back effectively by targeting individual muscles with specific asanas, or using adaptations within an asana. Particular attention will be paid applying the content introduced in this workshop to back-bending postures, how to do them with great comfort and effectiveness, compensations in back bends and how to correct them
Layers of muscles in the back and their functions
Strengthening and stretching the superficial & deep muscles of the back in Yoga
Protecting the low-back and neck in back bends
Breathing in back-bends
The spinal discs and vertebrae in back bends
Saturday, Mar 9
1-4:30 PM PST

IV. Muscles and Functions of the Core
The core of the body is not just the abdominals, it includes the gluteals, adductors (inner thighs), pelvic floor and back muscles.
Muscles of the abdominal wall and how to target each on in Yoga
The pelvic floor and lower abdominal activation
Moving with awareness of the center of gravity
How posture affects the core activation
How the gait is affected when core strength starts to decline.
Saturday Mar 23
1-4:30 PM PST

V. Muscles and Movements of the Posterior and Lateral Hip Quadrants
Learn why the gluteal muscles are strong stabilizers of the body and how to harness their strength in Yoga asana practices. Find immediate improvement in nearly every standing asana by understanding these powerful muscles. Particular importance will be paid to forward bending asanas in this workshop.
Deep & Superficial Gluteal Muscles
'Deep 6' External Rotators
Hamstrings & effective stretching of
Relationship between the low back pain and the hips
Improving Hip opening sequences and balance postures by activating the gluteal muscles.
Dormant Glute Syndrome (AKA Dead Butt Syndrome')
Piriformis Syndrome
Saturday, April 6
1-4:30 PM PST

VI. Muscles and Movements of the Anterior and Medial Hip Quadrants
Increased time sitting in chairs leads to both tightness and weakness in the anterior hip. Learn how to both build critical strength in this region and how to release tightness effectively, without triggering low back or knee pain.
Understanding the lumbar-pelvic rhythm in Yoga asana and how is affects the spine, shoulder and neck
Muscles of the anterior and medial hip
Signs of a weak anterior hip
Stretching the iliopsoas muscles without aggravating the low back
Stretching of the inner thigh (adductors)
Safe and effective anterior/medial hip opening sequences
Compensations in Yoga asana when the anterior hip is weak
Relationship between the anterior hip and low back pain
Relationship between the big toe, medial hip and pelvic floor
Saturday, Apr 20
1-4:30 PM PST

VII. Shoulders & Neck | Muscles, Movements, Alignment and Injury Prevention in Yoga
With the use of smart phones, devices and computer usage, the request for neck and shoulder focus in classes has increased. Learn the differences in the anatomy and function of the shoulder girdle and the shoulder joint. Create a sustainable practice by increasing shoulder strength and stability while holding postures with weight bearing in the arms. Reduce neck and upper back pain with effective sequencing, targeting the correct muscles with proper alignment.
Muscles of the neck and shoulders
Understanding the movements of the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle
Importance of the shoulder girdle muscles in protecting the shoulder joint
Improving shoulder stability to prevent injury
The four muscles of the rotator cuff and how to protect them in Yoga
Creating effective neck and shoulder sequences
Saturday, May 4
1-4:30 PM PST